Wednesday 18 September 2013

Level 1...

Coming out of university, I've found that I am not prepared for the world like I always assumed I would be. University is a bubble that teaches you to become sort of self-sufficient. I can cook for myself, clean my clothes (probably not as well as I should be able to) and I have an extensive selection of fancy dress garments that I can call upon at any time. But does this mean I'm set? No. A lot of the time, I still feel like a child trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.

A little about me: I just graduated from uni with a 2:1. I spent three years forming a group of very tight friends, going to lectures like a good student and becoming more well-rounded as a person over all. As pathetic and clichéd as it sounds, I'm lost without that security. I want to run back into its arms and have it whisper to me that "it's all going to be okay". But I'm not going to do that. I'm going to wear suit trousers, and I'm going to amble into adulthood as best as I can.

So this blog is about that. Me becoming a graduate and starting at Level 1 on a new game I don’t quite know how to play. Me getting over the fact that I'm no longer in my comfort zone. Me whining a whole lot, in all likelihood. I'll try and throw in the odd funny anecdote where I can, and I’ll try to be helpful too. I hope this might even set up some third years on their way out of uni, so they don’t feel like they’re about to jump into deep freezing water from a great height. The transition is hard, but if I (a man who gets so overwhelmed by being an adult sometimes he has to sit in the corner and eat Wotsits until he feels better) can do it, then so can anyone.

Everything I write on this is going to be factual, though I will change names and places though to retain that little bit of mystery.

Until next time,

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